Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happiness is in the air. Last Sunday, on the CBS News Sunday Morning, which is my new favorite TV show, as CBS is my new favorite, love love CBS, did an entire segment on happiness showing "happy" cities, and cities not so happy.
The research showed that people who exercise, get enough rest and eat well tend to be more happy. Those interviewed expressed a philosophy that happiness had a correlation to a connection with others.

I believe that happiness comes from within, and that one needs to master becoming happy oneself, and then the connection and relationships with others can follow.
Yesterday I went to hear Goldie Hawn speak at the Ohio Theatre, sponsored by the Women's Fund of Central Ohio. Speaking of happy, she made everyone in the audience joyful and happy. She looks fabulous, has the most incredible figure, and oh that giggle with the smile.
Goldie Hawn established the Hawn foundation about 8 years ago, which now is doing work with Scholastic Inc. measuring happiness, and teaching techniques to young people to attain happiness. I believe that the program teaches children how the brain works, so that they can learn to reduce stress, and harness the power of the brain to feel better allowing an increase in better learning. This program called MindUp reduces aggressive behavior and increases optimism and positive thinking. It gives children enhanced self awareness. I think this program should be made available to adults as well.

Today is another sunny wonderful day in Columbus, Ohio, and the garden is calling.
Life is too short for drama and petty things.....Laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly. Have a wonderful week-end, and remember PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS AND BE HAPPY.

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