Monday, June 4, 2012


Good Monday evening..........was today the most glorious day. The hydrangeas
are from my gardening efforts yesterday. Mother Nature has such an amazing ability to paint her flowers using an incredible pallet of color.
I must make mention of the recent arrest of 2 Ohio State football players........for those who did not hear the news, they were arrested for peeing in the bushes at the Boggie Inn. The only thing I can say about there a man alive who has not peed in the bushes when nature called. Did this really require an officer pursuing the 2 young men on foot, creating paper work by giving them a citation, and taking the court's time to hear such nonsense. Is there not something more important that this officer could have done with his time? Are there not people being robbed, and shot in the city that could benefit from police help?????? Seriously let's learn to prioritize what is worthy of punishment, and what is not.
On a lighter note, I went to see THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL, which I highly recommend. I found it to be hilarious, excellent acting, a wonderful story and memorable lines. I loved the hotel owner's mantra, "everything will be OK in the end, and if it is not OK, then it is not the end.......wonderful way to view life.
 Know that if today were perfect........there would be no need for tomorrow.
Have a wonderful tomorrow, and Put on Your Pearls Girls and enjoy the day.

1 comment:

  1. Your flowers look great ......perfect time of year. As for osu guys....i hope the cop enjoys his 15 minutes of fame .......possibly ruining rep and football time for two kids.
