............speaking of fashion and style, Rebecca Moses states that style rests deep in our soul and is our most important form of expression. Style communicates to those around us who we are. Style is not about buying designer clothing, or spending vast sums of money, it is an attitude, a way of thinking. I think one must be comfortable with the fashion choices one makes, and learn to have confidence in our choices. I am concerned that most people I see shopping at the mall or dining out give no thought to their style........the message is "I don't care", or maybe more importantly, "I don't get it". We seem to be a lazy group, not willing to take a few extra moments to express our style.
European women, especially French women absolutely get it.....they exude style, and they are not about quantity of items.......it is definitely an attitude, a self confidence, a self assured demeanor.
I recently read that color in fashion is one of the major faux pas that we make. If you have a reddish complexion, don't wear red, and if you have dark circles under your eyes don't wear black; oooops black is my color of choice, and yes I do occasionally have those dreaded dark circles, so I guess I will be in search of a new concealer.
The article also mentioned that fit, especially in trousers, is extremely important, and ignored by many.
So regardless if your style is traditional, contemporary, or hip hop, take the time to express yourself, and present yourself with your best foot forward.
I, of course, think that pearls are the most important accessory a woman can own, but for those days when you just want something different or to add something to your pearls, take a look at my new silver necklaces with a collection of vintage charms....fashion fades, but style remains bright, so PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS AND HAVE A GOOD DAY.
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