Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To all the naysayers who spoke against the Downtown Commons(the previous location of CityCenter)......shame on you. Went to a free concert put on by Shadowbox Live on Sunday. The green space is lovely, including a carousel.
I am not good at estimating crowds, but I would guess that there were at least 2000 people enjoying a wonderful evening with great music. Families, young people, older people all came together to enjoy Back to the Garden (a Woodstock reflection).
Speaking of the garden, so glad that I am back in my garden. The last few days have been incredible that I have, almost, forgotten that horrible winter, the emphasis on Almost. When I was recently whining to a friend about my out of control weeds, she said "oh , but you love doing the garden" I quickly corrected her that I love the garden, but who loves weeding. With reflection, it is the garden itself that I love, not so much the gardening. I treat the garden as another space that I can decorate, but since, as my niece would say, I do not have "peeps" to do the garden, I am the gardener.
I am passionate that I can go out to the garden, as I did this morning, and pick fresh flowers for the house................
it just doesn't get any better than this.

Well, I just had 30 bags of mulch delivered, and as I mentioned there are no peeps to do the work, so it's out to the garden for me.
Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.......Put on your Pearls girls, and have a grand day.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Went to see Louder than a Bomb at the Drexel Theatre......the movie was well done, and the subject matter was fabulous. Louder than a Bomb is a poetry slam contest conducted with high school students. The movie followed four students, and their teams in the Chicago area. The students write the poetry and then perform at a city wide high school competition. The kids were amazing....they each had experienced pain and anger, and were able to tell their story through poetry. The message gleaned from this movie, is that with encouragement and support kids can produce incredible results.
After the movie was over the director and one of the teachers from Chicago spoke and answered questions. Another bonus, a young woman from Eastmoor Academy who had won a poetry slam in Columbus, delivered her own poem.
The after movie discourse was wonderful, and shows why the Drexel Theatre is so special.....where else could you see a wonderful movie on a Saturday night and speak with the director and "actor". I love that Jeff Frank spoke to the audience, and that he brings such interesting shows to our city......the Drexel is a neighborhood gem, and we are lucky to have it.
The Drexel is showing HappyThankYouMorePlease this week-end, and Jesse Hara, and Josh Radnor will be here......how great is that.
Put your hand in mine and let us help one another to see things better...Monet
It's raining, again, so........Put on Your Pearls Girls and have a good week.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happiness is in the air. Last Sunday, on the CBS News Sunday Morning, which is my new favorite TV show, as CBS is my new favorite channel.......love, love love CBS, did an entire segment on happiness showing "happy" cities, and cities not so happy.
The research showed that people who exercise, get enough rest and eat well tend to be more happy. Those interviewed expressed a philosophy that happiness had a correlation to a connection with others.

I believe that happiness comes from within, and that one needs to master becoming happy oneself, and then the connection and relationships with others can follow.
Yesterday I went to hear Goldie Hawn speak at the Ohio Theatre, sponsored by the Women's Fund of Central Ohio. Speaking of happy, she made everyone in the audience joyful and happy. She looks fabulous, has the most incredible figure, and oh that giggle with the smile.
Goldie Hawn established the Hawn foundation about 8 years ago, which now is doing work with Scholastic Inc. measuring happiness, and teaching techniques to young people to attain happiness. I believe that the program teaches children how the brain works, so that they can learn to reduce stress, and harness the power of the brain to feel better allowing an increase in better learning. This program called MindUp reduces aggressive behavior and increases optimism and positive thinking. It gives children enhanced self awareness. I think this program should be made available to adults as well.

Today is another sunny wonderful day in Columbus, Ohio, and the garden is calling.
Life is too short for drama and petty things.....Laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly. Have a wonderful week-end, and remember PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS AND BE HAPPY.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Last minute gift ideas for Mom.......Left--16mm cream Czech glass pearls w/ 16mm carved turquoise. Bottom--16mm cream/silver Czech glass pearls w/20mm pyrite beads and hand crafted large metal bead. Top--16mm cream/14mm mocha Czech pearls w/12mm copper pearl and 20mm Swarovski topaz crystal.
The sun is shining today.......You can't move forward with your eyes on the rear view mirror.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Continuing on with my obsession for "Burlesque", bought the DVD last night at Target......have now watched an additional 2X. I forgot to mention that Christina Aguilera wears a dress, well sort of a dress, made totally out of pearls in one of the numbers.......it doesn't get any better than that for one who loves pearls. But if you don't have an occasion for a "pearl" dress, how about wearing a beautiful czech glass pearl necklace to your next event..............fashion fades, but style remains bright, so Put on Your Pearls girls and seize this day

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, oh wait, isn't it supposed to begin looking like Spring...today is March 30, and it is snowing, again. The gray makes me tired, hungry, and depressed that I am tired and hungry......I am sleeping too much, but I can't seem to stay awake, and I am totally non-productive. Well enough about me.........

I have become completely obsessed with the movie"Burlesque"......watched it 4 times over the week-end, and oh, the music is the best. If you have a chance, visit itunes, and download the soundtrack.........it makes you happy, and want to get up and dance, which is my new exercise regime, and hopefully will get me out of this funk of being tired, cold and hungry........ What else makes me happy,new necklaces for Spring.....Natural coral w/ carved bone and mother of pearl beads. Silver czech glass pearls with sodalite and hill tribe silver beads. Beige czech glass pearls w/ botswana agate disc beads, and 12mm amethyst beads.........So Put on your Pearls Girls, go outside and play in the snow.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Last minute Valentine's day gifts......"flower petal" gloves with pearls, all natural organic soaps wrapped with pearls, and last, but of course never least, a strand of czech glass pearls which say I Love You for a lifetime.......
need a baby gift, "flower petal" hat with a pearl.....
the measurement of a great life is not how well you are
loved.....it is how well you love others..........so
PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS, have a wonderful
week-end and a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A must see movie, THE KING'S SPEECH. Fabulous acting, and such a wonderful story.....who knew that King George VI and Queen Elizabeth were so funny, and shared such a loving marriage.
If you have a chance try the Hubbard Grille................good food, and outstanding service thanx to Patricia.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I watched ,the American, starring George Clooney the other day, and the only thing I can say is, "what was he thinking"? It had to be one of the worst movies I have ever watched. There were about 12 lines of dialogue in the first hour, and George had this pensive, distressed look which probably came from the realization that he consented to do the movie. I am sure he was well compensated and let's face it, we all make choices based on finances at times, but really this was a bad decision no matter how much he was paid. George, put on a tux and make a romantic comedy......it worked well for Cary Grant.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The sun is shinning after the "BIG" storm which in all honesty was not all that big, and this is coming from a person who is beyond nervous driving during a storm.
I had to drive to work at 5:00 pm last night for a bridal event which took me 1 hour to drive 11 miles. I called my son Benjamin as I headed down the road, and he was very calming telling me to drive slowly......I told him I was still in 1st gear, when he stopped laughing, I said I would call him later. I will tell you that sand bags in the trunk make all the difference when you drive a small car.
I made it home in time to watch the new show, "Fairly Legal", on the USA channel. It is a great show, well written, fast paced, good acting.......everything an hour of TV should be...Thursday nights at 10:00 pm.
home is where there's one to love us..... the week-end is here, so PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS, AND ENJOY.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

............speaking of fashion and style, Rebecca Moses states that style rests deep in our soul and is our most important form of expression. Style communicates to those around us who we are. Style is not about buying designer clothing, or spending vast sums of money, it is an attitude, a way of thinking. I think one must be comfortable with the fashion choices one makes, and learn to have confidence in our choices. I am concerned that most people I see shopping at the mall or dining out give no thought to their style........the message is "I don't care", or maybe more importantly, "I don't get it". We seem to be a lazy group, not willing to take a few extra moments to express our style.
European women, especially French women absolutely get it.....they exude style, and they are not about quantity of items.......it is definitely an attitude, a self confidence, a self assured demeanor.
I recently read that color in fashion is one of the major faux pas that we make. If you have a reddish complexion, don't wear red, and if you have dark circles under your eyes don't wear black; oooops black is my color of choice, and yes I do occasionally have those dreaded dark circles, so I guess I will be in search of a new concealer.
The article also mentioned that fit, especially in trousers, is extremely important, and ignored by many.
So regardless if your style is traditional, contemporary, or hip hop, take the time to express yourself, and present yourself with your best foot forward.
I, of course, think that pearls are the most important accessory a woman can own, but for those days when you just want something different or to add something to your pearls, take a look at my new silver necklaces with a collection of vintage charms....fashion fades, but style remains bright, so PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS AND HAVE A GOOD DAY.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Where did 2010 go? I last wrote in August, 2010, and now it's January, 2011. I think I must have fallen into a deep sleep or perhaps it was a spell, but now I am back so........HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU.........DOING WHAT YOU LOVE IS FREEDOM....LOVING WHAT YOU DO IS HAPPINESS.
Yummy new pearl necklace designs available. Need a special "girlfriend" gift, I have Rebecca Moses' new book "A Life of Style", or how about picking a pair of "flower petal" gloves with what else.......pearls.......call for that special gift, and remember............."PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS", STAY WARM AND HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK-END.