It has been too long since last I wrote, and my New Year's resolution is to write more
frequently.........what has been going on since September, mmmm who remembers. I did see
the movie "Julie and Julia", which totally fed into my francophile need. I never followed Julia
Child in the 70's or the 80's, but have become somewhat obsessed with her, more as a person
than as a cook. She and Paul Child had the most beautiful, loving relationship......he absolutely
adored her. How wonderful to be adored by your husband. Julia Child became the person she
was through his encouragement and support.
I still think her recipes have too many steps, and ingredients, especially for someone such as myself who is ADD, but I am enjoying reading her cookbooks, which I recently purchased. I am
waiting for "My Life In France" by Julia to arrive. Did I mention that I bought the DVD, and watch it regularly. Speaking of the DVD....the introduction trailers to the movie are 2 current movies, and there is a trailer for "Sleepless in Seattle" and "Hanging Up"........why are they
advertising 2 movies from 10 years ago? Am I missing something here???????
Getting back to all things French.........French women have qualities that the rest of us just weren't given....self-confidence, a bit of arrogance, incredible style.........speaking of style, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that every woman should have and wear pearls. What a classic and versatile accoutrement.............pearls represent preciousness, and purity. I will be adding new designs to my collection in the next month, so please check
I want to say Happy Birthday to my dear friend Judi.......we have been friends since the third grade, and she is as precious and classic as any pearl.
Dress shabily, they notice the dress.........dress impeccably, and they notice the PUT ON YOUR PEARLS GIRLS, and stay warm this blustery day.
Winter is here like a lion and what better thing to do is read Julia Childs books. Agreed, a facinating woman who had hidden talents and through her perseverance followed her dreams. A true woman to look up to....not to mention how tall she was. Keep writing.....Nancy